--My blog--
Disclamer : I might not update this often
& I make typos
also all the names used exept my own are fake! we never know :/
I uhhhhh I forgor............... I remember Xmas, got a camera !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!also Akatsuki no yona obv
November 28th 2024
Hiii! I haven't written anything in a bit.
I'm still doing my internship, and I currezntly have nothing to do. So I'm writing here :p
I now know I'll have to stay here for a total of 6 weeks, until december 13th. I thought I'd only have 4 weeks and 2 other weeks in Finland with school, but that'll actually be in March :/ At least I'll be paid more hehe (20€ per day)(the only good decision Macron ever took)
Omg btw Americans... I am so sorry. I hate politics but I know having Trump elected is VERY BAD.....
My parents are saying it's the best choice because he hasn't caused any wars..... no ideas if it's true but even if it is, he's gonna harm your human rights so it's not better....
Anyways, I don't want to talk about this too much
I'm havinng a really good week so far, which is pretty unusual because OMG I AM IN HELL
I'm constantly stressed out and I've started biting my nails and picking my skin again :(
but right now it's better. I mean, I drew a bunch (IN VECTORS!!! OMG I CAN DO IT!!!) & now I'm done w/ everything lmao
now lemme update you on some stuff :]
it's awesome yayy
You're so cool man
Now, let me just update you on Sarah??? in case you care??
i'(m not gonna explain all of it (I tried but it's boooringgg), but basically I went to her appartment, which was awkward because it was supposed to be a small party, but I'm the only one who could make it (/who wanted to come).
I, uhm..... I puked 4 times during the night..... I think we didn't cook the pizzas enough and my body went "NOPE!!!!!"..... I was really ashamed, but it's so weird because at some point (we had some beer) she said "be careful, I wouldn't want you to puke!" and I was like noooo I drank more that half a beer before I'm not that weak.... hahaah yeah well that pizza almost killed me instead LMAO
November 5th 2024
not much today
I made a flyer, they liked it
forgot my computer mouse
my eyes hurt but i wanna draw
I'm seeing a friend i haven't seen in a while tommorow. helping her with a logo lol (let's call her Sarah)
sorry if i ghosted you i deleted snapchat last year :(
November 4th 2024
he recieved my letter on his birthday which I'm so happy about :DDD
Idk if i mentionned that I sent him a letter??? I met him on globalpenfriends.com while looking for penpals :] we met like 2months ago?? and we talk basically every single day it's crazy, I never talk to people that much 😭
I just HAD to send him a letter??? how could I not??? my love language is definitely gift giving I love it
At first I didn' know if I could even send him anything because his mom doesn't want him to share his adress to ppl on the internet :(
but he asked one of his friends if she could recieve the letter for him and she could!! :D
I'm really happy he liked it, I sent him a bunch of stickers, a pocket containing a worm on a string, a chupa chup and a bracelet, all for his birthday :] I also photocopied some art I made of his OCs (and an oc I made him) lol
I struggled so much with this stupid printer lmao 😭😭
he said he wanted to cry because of how happy he was omg 😭😭😭 YOU DESERVE IT DUDE YOU'RE SO COOL
Anyways, my intership has started :/ I'm there right now, listening to TV girl lol
I don't want them to see my horrible hand-crafted site lmao 😭
The blog section isn't even refreshing on the main page so whatever... I probably need to clean up my stored cookies and everything but I don't want to do that right now :/
The 1st thing they told me to do is to make an illustration inspired by their logo. then they're gonna print it and put it on the wall next to the intern's computer. but their logo is a mammoth..... It took me an hour to warm up and now I'm just doodling a bunch of them all over the page. idk how I'm gonna add the text yet...
It's almost 1:30pm :(( I don't want to get back to it but they told me they'd have something different to give me so we'll see if this is as boring??? idk why but this place is both nice and overwhelming. I like listening to them talk but also anytime I'm here I get a headache.
I'm back home! I showed my site to my sister, she didn't really care lol
What they gave me was basically copy and paste.... I thought I was gonna go crazy....but I'm okay now
Imagine if the animal crossing halloween mechanic was in stardew valley... I'd spend hours on it (I already spend hours on it)(that's a lie I don't play as often as I used to but mentally I'm there)
thank you for reading, btw. Even if you don't get everything I'm saying, thank you for being here :p
November 3rd 2024
I don't wanna be tomorrow.........
Actually I don't know. It's the end of school break and I have an internship for 6 weeks. It's supposed to be 4, and 2 of them will be in another country. It's organised with my school, but they haven't got any news from Finland.... I hope we'll be able to go, I've never left France before. It'd be great to go with my friends :/
we were supposed to go in Lituania last June but they weren't available at that time... I swear the universe doesn't want me to leave this damned country >:(
Anyways. I'm doing an internship, basically gonna make logos for 4weeks at least. I went in the same company last year, but now I'm a lot more comfortable with social interactions, so it should be less awkward lol
I also know how to use Abode better. last time they just gave me an Illustrator tutorial lmao 😭 It worked pretty well cause I'm a fast learner but I find it kinda funny lol
November 1st 2024
okay, technically we're the 2nd because It's midnight but I don't careeeee
I'm really happy I finally started this blog, it might actually help me work on this site more often!! This is my safe space. I feel good here.
I've been feeling kinda overwhelmed since today... I need to upload documents to a site so I can pass my BAC and I don't even know if I have them??? I don't even understand why I have to do it myself because I already sent some documents to my school... I also have to finish something for my maths teacher and I'm not even sure why or what it's gonna be for 😭 I have until the 3rd... I hate when they give us homework during school breaks... but apparently half of my class haven't done it either so... I'll see that tomorrow
I'm trying to finish my letter for one of my penpals, but I think I'm out of creative energy... I kinda feel overwhelmed all the time, like I cann feel everything that'ss happening at the same time... It's hard to explain but that might be autism lmao
I'm not diagnosed though, so I'm still not 100% sure. The thing is, my family told me I could be HPI, but from the signs some of them intertwine with autism... also it's kinda snobby to be like "sorry if I don't get social cues, I have a high intellectual potential"... it also doesn't make a lot of sense?? idk...
I think it does fall into the neurodivergent umbrella but I just don't want to identify with that because I can be really dumb sometimes lmao 😭 even if I'm quick at understanding stuff, that doesn't mean I understand everything at first glance idk...
Sorry I'm rambling, but I guess if you're reading all that it means you find it interesting lol. Idk how you do it, reading exhausts me SO quickly... except when I read Akatsuki no Yona lmao. BEST MANGA EVER OMG. So underrated. I love it, I wish more people knew about it 😭 (but also kinda not because fandoms can be weird....) This manga might be one of my hyperfixations, probably. I fall back into it everytime I get new books. I have 37 of them, and will probably get the next ones for christmas :]
I know there's an anime but I don't really watch series in general so idk if it's good. It must be if it's still going. I prefer to read manga anyways, I love original versions of things lol
I dressed up as Lock from Nightmare Before Christmas :] (In french the kids are called Am Stram and Gram which I find so much better than Lock Shock and Barrel but whatever)
I usually dress up as a ghost (surprising I know), but I'm so glad I changed it because this is the best costume I ever made I love it SO MUCHHH
I made the mask out of cardboard and painted it. Here's a tip if you can't paint straight lines: dont. cut the shape out. I did that for the teeth and it works great. It's also kinda useful cause I know where the mouth is when I touch it.
My mom helped me for the pants, it was my best friend's dad's pants and she ajusted them so they would fit :] THEY'RE SO COMFORTABLE I'M WEARING THEM RIGHT NOW.
My mom made the tail as well, and it's detachable!! I can hit people with it!! No joke I'm going to wear them again I love them so much they're so epic
Yesterday, the adults in my town organized Halloween for their kids. On the 30th. At 4pm. NO THANK YOU. They were like 40??? I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WE WERE THAT MANY AROUND HERE. I still went on the 31st with my sister, thinking we'd get nothing. Guess what???? WE GOT LIKE TWICE MORE THAN LAST YEAR. I AM SO GLAD WE DIDN'T GO YESTERDAY, it would've been so annoying... in plain daylight with 10 thousand kids around........ nope!!
today was a good day :3
October 29 2024
1st day starting this blog!!! Finally!!! I wish I was working on this site more often :( I know I already do a lot of other things already but I can't help it: I cant just do nothing. It's harder for me to get back into coding once I stop, because it's not that easy for me yet. does it ever get easy?
I always want thinsg to be perfect, down to every detail. I don't even know how many people are gonna find this site! it shouldn't even matter, but again: I can't help it.
I have a bunch of hobbies. My main one is art!!(I'd like to be an illustrator, maybe publish books some day) I haven't created my gallery yet but once it'll be done I'll import my art there so you can see it :] I have a bunch of ocs so I'll probably take the time to make them profiles and stuff as well!!
just took a break, made this :
it me :3
I love this site sm but I always forget that gif compression completely changes the way it looks. still looks nice :33 (it's not always the case.....)
anyways it's late now and I'm tired :( I wanted to write more but NOPE I' GOING TO SLEEP NOWWWWW